i-tribe Limited. official site

we design
the core.

we solve your business problems

About Us

At i-tribe, we offer total design solutions for your business and service concepts, experiences, and interfaces.
We first consider products from both business (provider) and user perspectives,
applying our UI design skills in giving ideas shape.
From the business deliberations stage through the fine-tuning and improvement stages,
we find solutions for design issues that may be lurking around the corner. we design concept+experience+interface

What we do

We're here to help if you're considering IT services, but are concerned about the following issues:


- can’t come up with new business ideas

- have unappealing ideas

- know what to do, but can't communicate it to others

- want to be certain that your service will be a hit with customers

- want to change the design of your app or web service

As project-specific designers,
we repeatedly cycle through the next four operations
as we support your business's success and improvements.

think the essencial thing

What should be made?
= Business Considerations

We identify your company's hidden issues and strengths—points that specialists in a field often lose sight of. Understanding these from a user perspective allows us to formulate new business concepts.

make it easy to understand

Drafting structures to communicate
= Making Concepts Communicable

We organize relevant concepts, use our design skills to express matters simply, and diagram your ideas. This process enables shared understanding and accelerated deliberations.

talk to users

Dialogue with users
= Prototyping

We improve concept and product quality through the use of prototyping and testing to determine concept appeal and product usability.

design the UI

Structural and visual polish
= UI Production / Improvement Proposals

We combine a clear business concept, observations made from user trials, and specialist UI design expertise in order to produce a polished interface for mass market release.


We don't take a single, unified approach in addressing the countless design issues
that show up in all aspects of our lives.
Instead, we learn about our customers' circumstances, skill sets, and needs,
then deliver optimized solutions.

Brand design

Brand Strategy

Concept design

Concept Clarification
(Diagramming / Prototyping)

Experience design

User Trials
(UX considerations)

Business Model design

Business Model



Interface design

UI and Visual


Company Name
i-tribe Limited
August, 2014
Board of Directors
Yasuhiro Miki (CEO)
Kay Amadera (COO)
Phone number
1-12 Kitahama-higashi,
Osaka 540-0031
SPARS - Martial Arts Brand -

SPARS - Martial Arts Brand -


Please don't hesitate to contact us with your design concerns.

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